Using registered event listeners as conditionals in Vue

Today I was writing a form component that needed an optional back button. Since the form component is generic, the back button could point to anything.

I decided to use a component event, so the parent can listen to a back event and do it's own thing. Also: The back button isn't always necessary, so I needed some sort of prop to decide if it should be rendered.

Here what my first iteration looked like:

<!-- GenericForm.vue -->
<!-- ... -->
<button v-if="showBackButton" @click="$emit('back')">Back</button>
export default {
props: {
showBackButton: { default: false }

Which looks like this in use:

<generic-form :showBackButton="true" @back="goBack"></generic-form>

Something feels wrong here. The prop looks pretty noisy to me, since I'm never going to show it if I didn't register a listener in the first place! (at least in the context of my application)

Turns out, as of Vue 2.4, components have a $listeners property, which is an object that contains a list of handlers listening to the component's events.

Let's clean up our component public API with this in mind.

<!-- GenericForm.vue -->
<!-- ... -->
<button v-if="showBackButton" @click="$emit('back')">Back</button>
export default {
computed: {
showBackButton() {
return !!this.$listeners.back;

Which looks way better than the previous example in use!

<generic-form @back="goBack"></generic-form>

Now the form component will automagically render the back button when it has an event handler listening.