Description lists in Markdown
A lesser-known piece of Markdown syntax (and HTML) are description lists. Description lists are great for small bits of "key-value"-like information.
thoughts and inspiration on designing, programming, and writing for the web
A lesser-known piece of Markdown syntax (and HTML) are description lists. Description lists are great for small bits of "key-value"-like information.
Since the first iteration of my blog—some time around 2016—I've used highlight.js to highlight code blocks. With highlight.js being so popular, I never really second guessed the idea. It was a given to use JavaScript.
A few weeks ago, TJ Miller introduced me to highlight.php by writing a Parsedown extension for it. Highlight.php does the exact same thing as highlight.js: they both add tags and classes to your code
blocks, which enables them to be highlighted with CSS. The difference is, highlight.php does this on the server.