Laravel export v1

Earlier this week, we tagged spatie/laravel-export v1. I wrote the bulk of this package 5 years ago. (Wow, I was surprised by this, time really does fly sometimes!) But I never tagged a stable version because I wanted to add more features. Instead, I chose the way of Arrakis and decided it was ready for a v1.

Laravel Export was inspired by Next.js. Next allows you to write your React app and access data on the server, to export it to a static site after. Next does this by crawling your routes. I built exactly this for Laravel using our crawler package. After configuring, you can run an artisan command to export your static site to a folder.

php artisan export

This is a great fit for websites you don't want full blown hosting for but just want to drop on something like Vercel or Netlify. Docs & details in the repository!

Sven Luijten: Using interfaces in third-party packages

A post on enums & interfaces. I didn't realize you could implement an interface on an enum!

This way you get the best of both worlds: the default implementations are neatly grouped in an enum, but others can extend using their own class implementing the interface.

enum ColorOption: string implements Color
case Red = 'red';
case Blue = 'blue';
case Green = 'green';
public function name(): string
return $this->value;

Introducing tabular assertions

Today I tagged v1 of a new testing package: spatie/tabular-assertions. It's a distillation of a testing method I've been using in client projects the past two years. The package supports both PHPUnit and Pest out of the box.

With tabular assertions, you describe the expected outcome in a markdown-like table format.

| type | reason | price | paid |
| product | created | 80_00 | 80_00 |
| tax | created | 5_00 | 5_00 |
| tax | created | 10_00 | 10_00 |
| shipping | created | 5_00 | 5_00 |
| product | paid | 0_00 | 0_00 |
| tax | paid | 0_00 | 0_00 |
| tax | paid | 0_00 | 0_00 |
| shipping | paid | 0_00 | 0_00 |

Tabular assertions have two major benefits over other testing strategies: expectations are optimized for readability & failed assertions can display multiple errors at once.

Screenshot of a tabular assertion diff in PhpStorm

For an in-depth introduction to tabular testing, I've written two separate guides for Pest & PHPUnit.


I haven't come across this exact method anywhere else, so I had to come up with a name. If there's prior art that matches this with a better name, I'd love to know!

The idea was inspired by Jest, which allows you to use a table as a data provider.

Snapshot testing is also closely related to this. But snapshots aren't always optimized for readability, are stored in a separate file (not alongside the test), and are hard to write by hand (no TDD).

Tabular assertions have been a huge help when comparing large, ordered data sets like financial data or a time series. I hope you find it useful too!

Mohamed Said on the synergy between PHP & Go

I enjoyed Mohamed's post on using PHP and Go to have the best of both worlds.

By employing a polyglot architecture, we get the best of both worlds. PHP provides the development speed required to compete in a hyper-growth market, while Go provides more efficient resource utilization.

Another good quote from the introduction of his PHP to Go course:

PHP may be slow and memory hungry when compared to a compiled language, but that's not a result of a bad design.

It's like this by design because of all the choices it makes on your behalf to conceal complexity.

I also recommend his post on Twitter about the business decisions behind cutting costs on infrastructure.

PHP wishlist: The pipe operator

Is it weird to have a favorite operator? Well, the pipe operator |> is mine. Not only does it look cool, it opens a world of possibilities for better code.

Unfortunately, it's not available in any of the languages I use on a daily basis. There are proposals to add it to PHP and JavaScript, but we're not there yet. I'd like to expand on why I think the pipe operator would be a valuable addition to the language from a PHP developer's perspective.

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Deterministic bliss in static methods

Static methods tend to have a bad reputation in PHP, but I believe (stateless) static methods are underused. In static functions, there's no internal state to take into account. Calculator::sum(1, 2) only depends on its input, and will always return 3.

While researching for another post, I came across an article from Mathias Verraes that already says everything I wanted to say.

It is stateless, it is free of side effects, and as such, it is entirely predictable. You can call the exact same function with the exact same argument as often as you like, and you will always get the exact same result back.

Granular interfaces

A few weeks ago a spec change for an application we're working on forced us to refactor part of the codebase. It was food for thought about the flexibility granular interfaces provide, and choosing the right abstraction at the right time. This is a short writeup on the thought process we went through as we updated our logic to support a new feature now and allow more options in the future.

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