How I take notes: Structure with Now Next Notes

I rely heavily on taking notes. I don't necessarily take notes to refer to in the future, they're part of my thinking process. Writing things down brings clarity and tranquility.

After years of iA Writer I recently switched to Obsidian. But this article isn't about tools—I'll will write about that in the future. Here, I want to talk about structure. How I structure notes isn't tied to a specific piece of hard- or software and can be applied in many contexts.

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Antilibrary: the perfect excuse to buy more books

From Anne-Laure Le Cunff:

An antilibrary is a private collection of unread books. […]

The goal of an antilibrary is not to collect books you have read so you can proudly display them on your shelf; instead, it is to curate a highly personal collection of resources around themes you are curious about. Instead of a celebration of everything you know, an antilibrary is an ode to everything you want to explore. […]

An antilibrary creates a humble relationship with knowledge. It reminds us that our knowledge is finite and imperfect.

I have more unread books than read, and at some point I decided to stop buying books until I read more of the ones I owned.

After learning about the antilibrary, I lifted my own restriction and started to buy books again. The result: I've been reading more than ever.