Blade component aliases in Laravel 5.6

Laravel 5.6 adds the ability to register alias directives for Blade components. Let's review some background information and examples.

Blade components 101

I've been using Blade components since they were added back in Laravel 5.4. For those who don't know what a Blade component is, it's a directive to include views inspired by "components" in JavaScript frameworks like Vue.

{{-- resources/views/components/alert.blade.php --}}
<div class="alert alert-{{ $type }}">{{ $slot }}</div>
{{-- resources/views/page.blade.php --}} @component('components.alert', [
'title' => 'Beware!', 'type' => 'warning', ]) Here be dragons! @endcomponent

A component's injected contents—placed in the "main slot"—are available through a $slot variable. Other data can be passed via an associative array similar to @include. What's nice about plain variables is that you can easily transform them or fall back to a default value, which is a bit more verbose using @section in layouts.

We can also share component "properties" via the @slot directive. This is useful if we need to pass a chunk of html or any other large string to the component.

@component('components.card', ['type' => 'warning']) @slot('header')
<img src="dragon.svg" /> Beware! @endslot Here be dragons! @endcomponent

This is pretty cool. We can now build apps by composing components, a more coherant model than traditional layouts & includes.

Introducing component aliases

I had one issue with Blade components—they can be annoyingly verbose at times.

Compare a Vue.js component with the previous alert example:

<alert type="warning" title="Beware!">
Here be dragons!

This is much leaner than @component('', ...). A similar html-like syntax in Blade would be a bad idea, but that's okay. Blade's has a simple syntax: print things with curly brackets and do all the other things with directives. Let's keep it that way.

What if we could simplify the component syntax to a single directive? this is possible with the new Blade::component function.

Back to our alert example:

@alert(['type' => 'warning', 'title' => 'Beware!']) Careful! @endalert

If you don't have any extra slots, you can reduce it even further.

@alert Careful! @endalert

We were able to contract the verbose @component syntax to something simpler while maintaining readability.

By default, Blade will assume that the last part of the component path is its alias. If we'd prefer a diffent name for our alias, we can pass a second parameter.

Blade::component('components.alert', 'myAlert');

Component aliases will be part of Laravel 5.6, I hope they'll be of help tidying up your views!