Running PHP CS Fixer on every commit with husky and lint-staged

2019-05-02 #tooling

Last month, I wrote a post about automatically running prettier before every commit. This ensures that all JavaScript and CSS are formatted correctly before they're stored in the project's repository.

Husky and lint-staged have been working hard keeping our front-end assets clean as Spatie, so we decided to expand their responsibilities to keep our PHP files clean too. This is a modified version of my previous post using PHP CS Fixer instead of prettier. There's also an example of a conmbined configuration to run prettier and PHP CS Fixer simultaneously at the end of the post.

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Keep your assets Prettier on every commit

2019-04-04 #tooling

I'm a happy prettier user to keep my CSS and JavaScript files consistent. However, it's hard to keep the discipline to run Prettier before every commit. This week I decided to automate the process with Husky and lint-staged.

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What's in our .babelrc?

2017-08-16 #javascript #tooling #babel

A lot has been going in in JavaScript the past few years. One of my favorite things has been the usage of babel, which allows us to write future JavaScript syntax today. The babel ecosystem has tons of plugins and configuration options, I'd like to elaborate on our usage at Spatie.

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