Non-reactive data in Alpine.js

Sometimes you want to store data in your Alpine component without wrapping it in a JavaScript proxy (which is how Alpine keeps everything reactive).

For example, third party libraries might have issues when wrapped in a proxy. Chart.js is one of those. If you store a Chart.js instance in Alpine data, the chart will error.

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Reusable Alpine Components by Ryan Chandler

I've been using Alpine often lately. Ryan has written a lot of good stuff on Alpine, but his reusable components post is what really got me kickstarted.

You should be careful to not abstract too early. If you are finding it difficult to manage your Alpine component from the x-data attribute, this one is definitely for you.

The way this article builds up was very helpful: only use the level of abstraction you need:

  1. No abstractions
  2. Extract to a component function
  3. Use x-spread
  4. Mix in other data